Monday, August 13, 2012

Righteousness in Rome - Outline from Brower


I have published a few outlines to the book of Romans on this blog. One may begin to consider me a collector of sorts. (Hint, look for my "Topics" widget on the side & click on "Romans") Jonathan Brower offered up another outline yesterday. It consists of a titled section & a key verse. The overall topic of the book of Romans is: Righteousness.

Without further ado...

Here's the outline

Romans 1-3: Man needs Righteousness
          Key = Romans 3.9

Romans 4-5:  Justification Offered
          Key = Romans 5:17-21

Romans 6-8: Living Out the Righteousness of God
          Key = Romans 8.1-4

Romans 9-11: Israel & God's Righteousness
          Key = Romans 10.1-4

Romans 12-16: What Righteousness Looks Like in Real Life
          Key = Romans 14.17

More Reading

Like I said, I have written several overviews / outlines of the book of Romans. Here is a sampling of other posts you may find interesting:
Romans Road for the Believer (Wheeler)
Romans Read Through
Peter Aceti - Romans
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